EBX Master Data Management – Sample Job Interview Questions

What are the different Sorting mechanism?

Sorting Algorithms are methods of reorganizing a large number of items into some specific order such as highest to lowest, or vice-versa, or even in some alphabetical order.

These algorithms take an input list, processes it (i.e, performs some operations on it) and produce the sorted list.

  • Quick Sort [It is one of the most efficient sorting algorithms and is based on the splitting of an array (partition) into smaller ones and swapping (exchange) based on the comparison with the ‘pivot’ element selected. Due to this, quicksort is also called as “Partition Exchange” sort]
  • Bubble Sort [Bubble sort, also referred to as comparison sort, is a simple sorting algorithm that repeatedly goes through the list, compares adjacent elements, and swaps them if they are in the wrong order. This is the simplest algorithm and inefficient at the same time.]
  • Merge Sort
  • Insertion Sort
  • Selection Sort
  • Heap Sort
  • Radix Sort
  • Bucket Sort
From a table of Person records. How do you select all people based on Gender?


How do you select all people based on Gender and sort them as per Age?


What is a collection in Java? What are the different types of collections?

Collection Framework is a combination of classes and interface, which is used to store and manipulate the data in the form of objects. It provides various classes such as ArrayList, Vector, Stack, and HashSet, etc. and interfaces such as List, Queue, Set, etc. for this purpose.

What are the main differences between array and collection?

Array and Collection are somewhat similar regarding storing the references of objects and manipulating the data, but they differ in many ways. The main differences between the array and Collection are defined below:

  • Arrays are always of fixed size, i.e., a user can not increase or decrease the length of the array according to their requirement or at runtime, but In Collection, size can be changed dynamically as per need.
  • Arrays can only store homogeneous or similar type objects, but in Collection, heterogeneous objects can be stored.
  • Arrays cannot provide the ?ready-made? methods for user requirements as sorting, searching, etc. but Collection includes readymade methods to use.
How do you sort within an array in Java?
How do you see all files within a folder in Unix?
How do you start tomcat in back ground and write the log file to a particular location?
How do you search within a file in Unix?